The main station in Vienna is Vienna Hauptbahnhof, and you will depart from Nuremberg Hauptbahnhof. Throughout the journey, you will pass through multiple towns such as Passau, Regensburg, Kufstein, and many more. Passing through these towns gives you a chance to take in the beautiful contrast in scenery, as well as to admire some of the most iconic landmarks, such as the Old Town of Passau, the historic walls of Regensburg, and the magnificent Kufstein Fortress.
Once you arrive, you will be overcome with immense excitement, as both Vienna and Nuremberg are delightful cities with a mix of culture, beauty, and history. In Vienna, you can explore the beautiful architecture of the city, especially around the Ringstrasse. Or, you can take a leisurely stroll along the Danube to admire the lovely scenery. For something a bit different, why not visit the Schönbrunn Palace, one of Vienna's most iconic attractions.
In Nuremberg, the most iconic item would have to be the Nuremberg Castle, a stunning structure which is considered to be one of the most iconic buildings in the city. Apart from that, why not explore the charming cobblestone streets of the Old Town and discover the hidden gems that lie within.
When travelling to Vienna and Nuremberg, there are so many possibilities, that it's impossible to cover them all. However, one thing is for certain; it will be an unforgettable journey full of adventure and discovery! So, what are you waiting for? Book your tickets today and embark on a journey of a lifetime from Vienna to Nuremberg via train!How long does the train from Vienna to Nuremberg take?
The direct train from Vienna to Nuremberg takes roughly 4 hours and 15 minutes.
What is the fastest journey from Vienna to Nuremberg by train?
The fastest journey from Vienna to Nuremberg by train is with the ICE train which takes around 4 hours and 6 minutes.
How much does the train cost from Vienna to Nuremberg?
The cost of the train from Vienna to Nuremberg is €33.90 for a second-class ticket in the standard fare.
How much does the Vienna to Nuremberg?
Yes, there is a direct train from Vienna to Nuremberg every day.
What is the distance from Vienna to Nuremberg by train?
The distance from Vienna to Nuremberg by train is 395 km.
Which are the cities that the train stops from Vienna to Nuremberg?
The cities that the train stops from Vienna to Nuremberg are Passau, Regensburg, Ingolstadt, Munich, and Augsburg.
首先,维也纳歌剧院(Wiener Staatsoper)是世界上最著名的歌剧院之一,以其华丽的建筑和一流的表演而闻名。位于奥佩恩环路,每天开放,门票价格根据演出而异。参观内部时,不要错过使用音频导游探索其豪华的休息室和舞台。
美泉宫(Schloss Schönbrunn)则代表了巴洛克时期的极致,它不仅是世界文化遗产,也是维也纳最重要的历史遗迹之一。位于美泉宫路,每天开放,门票大约€16。漫步其壮观的花园,感受皇家风范。
霍夫堡皇宫(Hofburg Imperial Palace)是另一处不可错过的地点,这里曾是哈布斯堡家族的冬宫。位于霍夫堡广场,每天开放,门票大约€15。它的皇家公寓、银器馆和萨西博物馆讲述了奥地利皇家的故事。
贝尔维第宫(Belvedere Palace)以其巴洛克风格和对克林姆特作品的收藏而闻名。位于普林茨·尤根·施特拉塞,每天开放,门票大约€22。别忘了在其美丽的花园中留影。
圣斯蒂芬大教堂(St. Stephen's Cathedral)位于圣斯蒂芬广场,是维也纳的象征之一。参观这座哥特式建筑物是免费的,但爬上塔楼需支付€5。它不仅提供城市的美丽景观,还让人们近距离观察其细腻的建筑细节。
不可错过的还有国家歌剧院(Vienna State Opera)和艺术史博物馆(Kunsthistorisches Museum),前者是欣赏古典音乐的理想之地,后者则收藏了无数宝贵的艺术品,展示了欧洲艺术的辉煌。
纽伦堡城堡(Nürnberger Burg)凭借其壮丽的视野和丰富的历史,位列游览名单之首。坐落在城市的最高点,提供了关于中世纪德国王权的深入了解。地址:Burg 13, 90403 Nürnberg。开放时间因季节而异,门票费用为€7。
圣劳伦斯教堂(St. Lorenz)是纽伦堡最令人印象深刻的哥特式教堂之一,以其精美的艺术品和独特的建筑设计著称。地址:Lorenzer Platz 10, 90402 Nürnberg。开放时间:每日9:00-17:00,门票免费。
纽伦堡老城(Nürnberger Altstadt)以其石铺街道和历史建筑而闻名,是感受城市历史氛围的最佳地点。无需门票。
德国国家博物馆(Germanisches Nationalmuseum)收藏了丰富的艺术品和历史文物,展现了德国文化的精华。地址:Kartäusergasse 1, 90402 Nürnberg。开放时间:周二至周日10:00-18:00,周四开放至21:00,门票费用为€8。
纽伦堡审判纪念馆(Memorium Nürnberger Prozesse)提供了对纽伦堡审判的深入了解,是了解二战历史的重要地点。地址:Bärenschanzstraße 72, 90429 Nürnberg。开放时间:周一至周日9:00-18:00,门票费用为€6。
阿尔布雷希特·丢勒之家(Albrecht Dürer's House)展示了这位著名艺术家的生活和作品。地址:Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 39, 90403 Nürnberg。开放时间:周二至周日10:00-17:00,门票费用为€6。
纽伦堡玩具博物馆(Spielzeugmuseum)陈列着从中世纪到现代的各种玩具,是一个适合所有年龄的有趣地方。地址:Karlstraße 13-15, 90403 Nürnberg。开放时间:周一至周五10:00-17:00,周六周日10:00-18:00,门票费用为€6。
维也纳,奥地利的首都,是一个交通枢纽,拥有几个主要火车站。其中,维也纳中央火车站(Wien Hauptbahnhof)是最重要的火车站,提供广泛的国内和国际线路。此外,维也纳西站(Wien Westbahnhof)和维也纳梅德林国际火车站(Wien Meidling)也是重要的交通节点,服务于多条国内和欧洲路线。
维也纳中央火车站位于阿默·林格街 1号,全天24小时营业,满足旅客的各种需求。该站提供包括行李托运服务在内的多项便利设施,确保旅行者能够享受轻松便捷的出行体验。无论是前往奥地利的其他城市,还是计划穿越欧洲的壮丽景致,维也纳中央火车站都是理想的出发点。
纽伦堡是德国巴伐利亚州的一个重要城市,以其丰富的历史和文化遗产闻名。该市的主要火车站是纽伦堡中央车站(Nürnberg Hauptbahnhof),它不仅是该市的交通枢纽,也是连接国内外多条铁路线的关键节点。除了中央车站,纽伦堡还有其他几个小型车站,服务于城市及周边区域的公共交通需求。