If you miss the ÖBB train and have a ticket without a departure time listed, you can take any other Austrian train on the same day. For more information, please refer to the related article How can I change my ticket?
Ticket changes, cancellations and refunds
- Can I change the name, passport, or ID number on my ÖBB ticket?
- Will ÖBB compensate me if my train is delayed?
- Do I get a refund from ÖBB if my train is canceled?
- How can I cancel my ÖBB ticket?
- How can I change my seat reservation with ÖBB?
- How can I change my ÖBB ticket?
- How long does it take to receive a refund from ÖBB?
- What happens if I miss my connection due to a delay with ÖBB?
What happens if I miss my ÖBB train?
- What should I do if there is a strike with ÖBB?